7 Benefits of Spending Time in Nature While Recovering from Addiction

April 26, 2018 / Caleb Anderson  / 
nature, addiction, recovery

Many people will boast the proven benefits of spending time outside for good reason. Though we might not know the exact reasons why, there seems to be a clear correlation between spending time in nature with improved physical and mental health. For these reasons, incorporating outdoor activities into addiction recovery can be key in staying sober.


How to Go About Exercising When Recovering From Addiction

March 7, 2018 / Caleb Anderson  / 
exercise, addiction

Addiction can be the most difficult roadblock a person must overcome to achieve a fulfilling life. There is no miracle cure for overcoming addictive behavior, but there are proven methods and behaviors that universally increase one’s chance for success. One of the behaviors that can stave off addictive cravings while improving our longevity and self-worth is exercise. Finding exercises that are enjoyable and easy to replicate help us clear our mind of negative thoughts. Exercise also occupies time formerly spent in addictive behaviors.

The Mental Benefits of Exercise



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