Her Radiance Abounds

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September 30, 2015
her radiance abounds

Alone, looking across the pasture, swept by a sense of tranquility. A single cloud which blocked the sun begins to drift every so slowly, exposing a glorious beam of sunlight. On a day when I needed it most, that subtle reminder proved once again, that her radiance abounds. And in that moment, the moment is all there was. Stillness, silence, solace. Beauty in every ray of sunshine.

The cloudy skies begin to yield.

A once-forgotten hope is again revealed -

Melting the dew as she kisses the field.

Today, her radiance abounds.

~A. Hanna

    Alex Hanna

    Alex Hanna

    By day, Alex works as a technology consultant. By night, he runs Challenge the Storm. Suffering from depression and anxiety, himself, he dedicates every day to helping one single person. Something as small as putting a smile on someone else's face may have a bigger impact than you think.

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